January 2011 Arrabe Asesores

Arrabe Asesores optimizes their web with online web editor Distineo

The consulting firm Arrabe Asesores trust on Distineo as the manager of its new Web content

Arrabe Asesores, Business Consultancy company in areas Accounting, Tax, Legal, Legal and Labor have chosen Distineo as the optimal platform to manage their new web content.

The old website showed information about the company, services offered, and it provided free information on various tax and legal aspects through news and newsletters. Mi¡oving to the new website, this service is being kept, while the possibility of subscription without having to be a customer.

On the other hand, one of the objectives that Arrabe Asesores sought to achieve was the easy content updates. Thanks to Distineo, they can create their ownnewsletters, news and events updates, report on their projects, receive consultations and, in general, to build a Web 2.0 to keep informed of current and potential customers.

These improvements initiated by the online web editor web Distineo convert the site in a bidirectional tool that place the company "closer" to their community, in addition tothe advantages of Distineo optimization web positioning, to achieve the visibility of their brand much betterand more easily found by their target audience.

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