January 2013 Esperanza Gracia
  • Sectors: Services
  • Business Line: Web Services and Positioning

Esperanza Gracia's official website

The astrologer and contributor in the Spanish TV channel Telecinco, lauched her website, developed with the online web editor Distineo, to keep her fans informed online.

Horoscopo en la Web de Esperanza Gracia
Horoscopo en la Web de Esperanza Gracia

Esperanza Gracia is a famous Spanish astrologer and contributor in the TV channel Telecinco. At the beginning of 2013 she opened her new official website so as to keep her followers constantly informed.

This new web page was created using the online web editor Distineo, and there, her fans can find every advice and teaching about horoscope, rituals or numerology, amongst much more issues. Moreover, and due to the integration with the social medias, every net user can share the knowledge of the astrologer using the social networks.

Thanks to the many advantages that Distineo offers, amongst which it is SEO positioning, Esperanza Gracia's official website has become an essential way for fans to keep informed. Thanks to SEO internet users can easily find Esperanza Gracia in the search engines.

Despite this project needed a special customization, the flexibility of Distineo online web editor allowed using itself as a base to develop personalized specific functions for this website, through which Esperanza Gracia can publish her contents fast and easily.

Thanks to this, costs have been much lower in this project and, in the future, this features will be used to update the web page's functions.

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